Saturday, February 13, 2010

Update 6- Saturday

I’m awake after a “great nights rest” in the NSICU waiting room. It’s amazing what people will discuss openly in front of someone they assume to be sleeping. As bad as you think things are for you at times, someone else always has it much worse. As we continue our prayers for Jenny and her speedy and full recovery, let’s add the gentleman I listened to this morning that is obviously struggling with his wife’s sudden illness. He kept saying, “I don’t want to go home, all I see are her fingerprints”. I don’t know his name and I never saw his face, but I felt his pain.
On a happier note, I spoke to Jen’s nurse earlier today. She had a good night (Jen, not the nurse). No problems. They just ordered her breakfast and she is doing fine. The doctors were just in to visit and said the surgery couldn’t have gone any better. She has an MRI scheduled for this morning to make sure everything looks good internally. After that, they hope to move her to floor soon (hospital talk for a regular room). Currently all rooms are full. She may have to spend another day in ICU, but that’s o.k. as the care she receives here is one on one.
Our next allowed visit is at 11:00 a.m. I’ll update everyone after that.


  1. Great news and good, good morning. Janet has goose bumps of joy (she sometimes says the strangest things)We got to keep our granddaughter Shelby last night so we had fun with her but still kept checking the blog. Get some rest, both of you. We will keep monitoring. Tell Jen we are very proud of her and so happy.

  2. Praise God you guys are doing so wonderfully! (Except for the sleeping part!) Thank you for the continued updates. I have been thinking and praying for all involved. I will start praying for the gentleman you mentioned. I am sure he is in a great deal of distress. Jen keep up the great work and you will have a speedy recovery!

  3. So happy to hear things went so well during the surgery. Thanks for the updates!
    Amy Powell

  4. Amazing! What wonderful news. I'll continue to pray and include the gentleman you mentioned as well. Enjoy your 11 a.m. visit. God Bless.

