Friday, January 15, 2010

You are where you're meant to be...

Well yesterday was awesome. I was feeling okay...a little dizzy with a headache but Landon and I were determined to go to the MOM2MOM group that I used to go to before I started my in-home child care. I have to say that I just LOVE this group of women! I really am one lucky girl:0)!

Anyway, we're there, getting ready for our lesson,(the pastor's wife was our guest speaker...Carolyn Slaughter...and I just admire her so much). We gathered hand in hand in a circle to pray (I have difficulties standing with no support b/c of the dizziness) so I'm swaying a little and realize that I need to start praying with my eyes opened (I sure hope God's okay with that) but then found myself wondering if the ladies holding my hands thought I had spiked my coffee before coming so of course I felt the need to share a short version of my story with them. Now anyone that has had a conversation with me knows that there are NO short versions to anything that I talk about so God Bless those women for listening. They are truly angels.

On to the speaker. My girlfriend saved me a seat in the front row...could be good or bad. Luckily for me it was great. Carolyn spoke and I listened like she was speaking to me. I know I'm not the only one there that felt that way but I know now I was meant to be at that meeting on that day. She gave me such insight on how to manage what lies ahead and to set boundaries. I don't do that well so this was huge. She also spoke about finding a middle place between Mary and Martha (the sisters that welcomed Jesus into their home during his travels). It was amazing and so needed. Carolyn I can't thank you were truly an inspiration yesterday.

Now to all of my family and friends when I start telling you NO or setting boundaries it's only b/c God told me to, he-he! Just kidding but seriously thank you all for your support during the good and bad of this.


  1. Jen - I knew something was up from your facebook posts but didn't know the details. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. I know you have a great support system in Tipp but can help out however you and the family need it. I'd offer to cook but it's better if I let Amy do that! We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Tracy, Amy and kids

  2. Thanks and Amy are very kind. It is going to be a crazy journey and we are going to have to rely on a lot of people. I will let you know if we need anything as this thing proceeds on, thanks for offering. Tell all of the kiddos and Amy hello for me. I miss seeing everyone at preschool!

  3. Eryn read your blog page today and she wanted you to know that she is thinking of you, I'm sure just as often as I am. My kids love and miss ya.

  4. Jenny, my family and I just want to let you know we are praying for you. We have missed your positive attitude and friendly smile on Dave Drive, but I am so happy you are surrounded with so much love and support. We would love to help in any way possible. Love, Jennifer Cooley

  5. Hi Jen Cooley,
    Thank you so much for your prayers. I've missed you too! I can't believe it's been 6 years since we moved back to Ohio. We so very much appreciate all of your love and support. Thanks for following's the best way to update everyone in our lives. We're so blessed that's for sure! Hope you all are doing well!
    Love, Jen

  6. Galbraiths~Missing you all and thank you for all of your support! Love, Jen
