Tuesday, April 6, 2010

3 months ago exactly!

Well 3 months ago today Dan & I sat nervously in two different surgeons offices to find out what kind of brain tumor I had and what the best approach would be to get rid of it. Not knowing then how this would all play out, we did know I would be having surgery and I would be deaf in one ear. We also knew only time would tell on how well, or not so well, my recovery would actually go. I'm happy to say that exactly three months later (to the day) not only am I doing great, coping well with the hearing loss and feeling even better than I did before surgery...I am also RELEASED from my ENT surgeon and don't have to go back for a year...woo-hoo! Who would have thought only three months from start to finish? CRAZY!

I will have to go back in one year for an MRI just to make sure nothing new has started to grow. He also gave us some information regarding a "BAHA" ear device to help with surround sound for hearing but doesn't recommend it any earlier than 6-8 months post op. We'll have to do more research on this and see if I'm a fit etc. etc. I do still have to see the eye doctor and neurosurgeon within the next month and get their release but the ENT doctor didn't seem to think there would be anything to worry about!

I know I've said it many times before but I truly am so BLESSED!!!!

Thank you All once again for all of your support and prayers and thank you God for taking such good care of me!



  1. Jenny ~ This is awesome! You are truly a miracle and showing others how strong your faith is has changed so many lives I am sure. Thank you for sharing! God Bless and may you be completely released from the other docs soon!

  2. Jenny, I know I have said this many times, but what a true inspiration you are to those of us who only watch and listen and feel with our hearts, who don't have the opportunity to see you or spend time with you and your family as we would love to do, your courage and strength thru all of this has been phenomenal and I know would not have been had it not been for your faith, your love, your trust in God. Thank you so much for opening up your life and letting us walk with you, cry with you, rejoice with you and just love you even from a distance. I am so thrilled and so thankful to have been a part. I pray now that you continue to be strengthened and healed each day, and that God continues to shed his blessing on you. I know your boys and Dan have to be excited about your rapid progress. God bless you all. Love Elsa

  3. YEAH!!! We are so pumped for you! We are glad that you received such positive news and that you are doing well...even keep up with those crazy boys! You really are an example! Every time I complain about feeling like hell with nausea, I have to check myself...really, do I have room to complain? Catch up with you later!
    The Tolle's

  4. tracy.rose@healthline.comJanuary 15, 2013 at 3:27 PM


    Healthline is interested in contributing a guest post to jenniferhaas.blogspot.com. We would be open to contributing any blog that would be of interest to your readers. Healthline bloggers have been featured on a variety of sites including:

    Washington Times: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/tango-mind-and-emotion/2012/aug/10/how-healthy-choices-easy/
    Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/036515_diabetes_strawberries_prevention.html
    Patch.com: http://strongsville.patch.com/blog_posts/where-and-what-to-eat-in-cleveland-to-beat-the-winter-blues

    Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

    Warm Regards,
