Tuesday, April 6, 2010

3 months ago exactly!

Well 3 months ago today Dan & I sat nervously in two different surgeons offices to find out what kind of brain tumor I had and what the best approach would be to get rid of it. Not knowing then how this would all play out, we did know I would be having surgery and I would be deaf in one ear. We also knew only time would tell on how well, or not so well, my recovery would actually go. I'm happy to say that exactly three months later (to the day) not only am I doing great, coping well with the hearing loss and feeling even better than I did before surgery...I am also RELEASED from my ENT surgeon and don't have to go back for a year...woo-hoo! Who would have thought only three months from start to finish? CRAZY!

I will have to go back in one year for an MRI just to make sure nothing new has started to grow. He also gave us some information regarding a "BAHA" ear device to help with surround sound for hearing but doesn't recommend it any earlier than 6-8 months post op. We'll have to do more research on this and see if I'm a fit etc. etc. I do still have to see the eye doctor and neurosurgeon within the next month and get their release but the ENT doctor didn't seem to think there would be anything to worry about!

I know I've said it many times before but I truly am so BLESSED!!!!

Thank you All once again for all of your support and prayers and thank you God for taking such good care of me!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Too old, too fast.

What a great weekend we had with family and friends. However, as great as the weekend was, weather included, I felt some sadness too. It seems that no matter how hard we try, our kids are getting too old, too fast.
It hit me on Saturday as Nolan (our 9ish year old) and me spent some time together, just the two of us. I could tell something was on his mind. I asked him “Nolan what’s going on?” He replied “nothing really…but dad is there really an Easter Bunny?” I have to admit I wasn’t quite ready for this question on Easter eve at 5 o’ clock. Especially from the child who will go to great lengths to have any excuse to get candy (fictitious character delivery included). Somewhat stunned, I went on to explain the true meaning of Easter and how it really has nothing to do with the Easter Bunny but rather the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Satisfied with my biblical response, I then went into a long explanation about the spirit of the Easter Bunny and promised him that no matter how it arrived; an Easter basket would be waiting for him in the morning. “Just believe in the spirit of the Easter Bunny” I told him. I could tell by the look on his face, the jig is up.
Somewhat saddened that the Easter Bunny fairy tale was over for him, my thoughts turned to finding out who told him. I was thinking of how to address the child that “let the cat out of the bag” about the Easter Bunny. What neighbor kid could this have been and did he/she tell my younger two as well? Was it my oldest son that hasn’t believed for a few years, but does a convincing job of telling his mother and me he otherwise. When I find out who did it, what will I say to them? What will my oldest son’s punishment be? After all, they weren’t lying. Already having a few names in my head that it may have been, I asked Nolan “who told you there isn’t an Easter Bunny?” His response was “I Googled it!” “It came back as a fable”. “And dad, while we are at it, about this tooth fairy thing…”

Too old, too smart, too fast.

Happy Easter.
